Give a Bible to someone in need. is an organization that works to spread the Gospel through distributing free Bibles around the world.  Participating in sponsorships, contributing to medical care, planned financial giving, and donations are ways that you can interact with this site. Visit HERE
*This organization is not affiliated with Read The Bible in 1 year.

Buy a Bible

Purchase a Bible or other study material for yourself and others. Click HERE to visit my recommendation of a Bible for beginner study and browse a selection of other Bibles and study resources.

*This is an affiliate link. Should you choose to purchase through this link Read The Bible in 1 Year will be compensated at no additional cost to you.

Bibles for Newbies

For the beginners

I suggest using a modern language/modern translation version.
I am currently using the first two Bibles listed below for my first read through the Bible in 1 year.
The additional Bibles listed are either published as easy-to-read or have reviews recommending them as such.

When you are ready to bump up your studies, consider getting a Bible Dictionary, A Concordance, or even Greek/Hebrew Keyword Reference Book , or even Bible Maps and Timeline Charts to help visualize the voyages and travels of the nation of Israel, various King's battles, and the journeys of the prophets, Jesus, and the apostles.

Bibles for reading lEXILE 1000 & BELOW

Large print, board book, ages 3-5, LEXILE:480

A kid-friendly take on the history, archaeological discoveries, and stories of
the Bible.  Age Range: 8 - 12, LEXILE: 1000

Highly visual graphics-based book using modern day comparisons and examples to explain concepts in tangible terms for children, allowing the stories of the Bible to become more relatable to young minds.Ages 9-13, LEXILE: 850


Many Languages | 1 Word

I came across this awesome site that supplies the Bible translated into many different languages.

The organization is called Ethnic Harvest. Learn more.

Braille Bibles 

Donate to to help offset the costs of braille published Bibles for the blind and visually impaired.
The average cost of producing a braille Bible is $400, a cost that relies on public donations since this organization does not receive government subsidies. 

Bibles for Dyslexia 

Visit these bullet points for resources on Bibles for people with Dyslexia 

Other Dyslexia Bible Resources