30 Questions About the Bible


I'm more than halfway through my challenge/2020 resolution to read the Bible every single day. I'm proud to say that I have not missed a single day. Proof can be found here: #biblereadingparty

I have really been learning a lot too. More than I imagined. I thought the Bible would be too hard to understand, but with a modern translation Bible, there really is nothing to it. It's a straight read through and very easy to comprehend. 

Some of the misconceptions about Bible verses (misquoted and misused) have been cleared up for me. Some of the stories that I first heard in Sunday school as a child were completed. And I even feel like I'm more familiar with ancient history.

The more I read the Bible, the more questions I have about the actual Bible itself. I actually composed a list of questions. I have recruited a few Bible-scholarly people to help me answer them and will be presenting the answers when all my research has been completed. In the meantime, here is a short video of my questions about this book that I have committed myself to reading daily this year.

Do you have similar questions about the Bible? Do you have answers to my questions? Be a part of the content building process. If you know of some awesome resources to look up these answers, let me know in the comment section of the YouTube video. 

A summary of the answers will also be featured in a future blog along with the works sited and resources used.
